You Want To Change The World…To What?

Hey there!

Ever have your hopes & dreams just CRUSHED? Here's the big one for me.

When I was young, I had my heart set on being an architect. Then reality slapped me in the face and punched me in the gut when I learned that I couldn’t read a blueprint! Simply put, I just can’t visualize 2D drawings and transform them into useful information.

Disappointment just didn’t cut it. That was it. At 17 years old, my life was over. I had no plan B and I didn't want to do or be anything else. I literally lost my way. Ever since I’ve lived my life by accident. Meaning, I just let it roll, no plans, no real and actionable drive. Why bother with purpose and effort to be better.? Half-assing it works just fine. It turns out OK, most of the time, and I’ll just settle with whatever.

It took me a VERY LONG TIME to realize I have to let go of my (only serious) childhood dream and let my real talents get on center stage. I needed to change for sure. I only knew what I should change from my old way of doing things, but I fantastically failed to establish what I should change TO? Struggle seems to be the trend here.

Fast Forward to April 2011

When little Miss Morty vaulted into my life like she already owned me (which she sure does). That was when I slowly started making small but serious changes INTENTIONALLY. I started working out religiously so I could keep up with her unlimited energy (EXERCISE/Physical). That’s now become my habit.

I started doing more research on health & wellness when she was sick (EAT/Emotional). Luckily that spilled over to how I care for my own being.

Now she is 10.5 years old, I’ve been looking for a more gentle way to keep her engaged physically & mentally (ENVIRONMENT/Mental). That gets me thinking, I have been focusing on just one aspect at a time for way too long. I didn’t see the big picture of living & caring for another species. I could have put together a better plan for Morty faster only if I was AWARE of it sooner. Luckily she is very generous with her time & patient with me.

Mirror Mirror!

Change doesn’t come easy for some of us, myself included. You just need to know what kind of change you want to make, what is the real cause behind it, and where to start. The one answer I know for sure is if you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself in a mirror and then make a change.

That's the reason I’ve created a HOLY SHIFT! I want to change my behavior to better my dog and myself. Sadly, it took me almost a decade and tons of detours to get to this point. But you don’t have to. Think of HOLY SHIFT! as a GPS where you can put in a life-journey destination with your dog, and then hit go. HOLY SHIFT! spits out a few routes. You are in total control of picking each route that FEELS right for both you and your dog.


Smile…We Go Camping!


Introducing Holy Shift!