Can I Come With?
Hey there!
Imagine this. All of a sudden, your dog needs to go to an emergency vet. You are in a hurry, and honestly also in a state of panic.
What do you do in this situation?
Go!! Grab your dog but also bring a FRIEND along.
A friend? What for? To hold your hand? To catch up over coffee while you’re waiting for the vet?
Nah, not that.
You need a friend, preferably the calm one, the no-nonsense one, the one you trust, the one you can count on. The one friend who will be by your side during scary, confusing, and frustrating times. The one who you trust:
To listen to what the vet tells you when you are paralyzed by your fears.
To help you ask sensible questions instead of continually repeating nonsense over and over. And over.
To pick up the pieces when you are crumbled.
To smack some sense into you when your fear or confusion causes you to throw adult tantrums.
To lie to your face to keep your sanity intact and calm you down.
To shake the life back into you when you feel dead inside.
Most of all, to help you keep your shit together when your dog needs you the most! And your dog will need you to have this friend by your side when your dog can’t be there herself.
Find that one friend, and keep his/her/their number ready as an emergency contact.
I know it isn’t easy to imagine the worst, especially when it involves our dogs. But it’s necessary to have a plan in place in the hope that you don’t need to execute it.